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One more lie!  

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Author: TheCrow   Date: 12/27/2022 4:14:39 PM  +4/-1   Show Orig. Msg (this window) Or  In New Window

It's almost impossible to respond to the liberals on this forum.

I have never seen people that were so filled up with hate in my life.

First, last and always- Trump opponents are not necessarily liberals, just as Trump is not conservative in opposing some liberal positions. For instance:





Trump once considered himself a Democrat

01:54 - Source: CNN

CNN — 

Before Donald Trump was a front-running Republican presidential candidate, the real estate mogul believed that the nation’s economy ran better when Democrats were in control and that Hillary Clinton would be a strong negotiator with foreign nations.

“In many cases, I probably identify more as Democrat,” Trump told CNN’s Wolf Blitzer in a 2004 interview. “It just seems that the economy does better under the Democrats than the Republicans. Now, it shouldn’t be that way. But if you go back, I mean it just seems that the economy does better under the Democrats. …But certainly we had some very good economies under Democrats, as well as Republicans. But we’ve had some pretty bad disaster under the Republicans.”

Trump still attacks plenty of Republicans today, but the comments praising Democrats are in stark contrast to the fiery rhetoric he deploys against them on the campaign trail, including President Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton.

If the current polls hold up,Trump would likely face Clinton in the general election. He considered her an appealing candidate for president when it came to dealing with foreign nations. In another interview with CNN’s Blitzer in 2007, he praised her ability to negotiate when asked if she could successfully work out a deal with Iran.

“Hillary’s always surrounded herself with very good people. I think Hillary would do a good job,” Trump said in another interview with Blitzer.

READ: Donald Trump gave out Lindsey Graham’s personal cell number to America

A Trump campaign spokesman declined to comment when asked if his views have since changed. Trump has been critical of the Iran nuclear agreement, which was made public this month.

In the 2007 interview, Trump also said Rudy Giuliani and Mitt Romney could do the job, but he criticized then-Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice for what he called a “sad” performance.

Even though he’s running as a Republican now, in many ways, Trump hasn’t changed. As a presidential contender, Trump has not shied away from criticizing Republicans: He has taken shots at almost every White House competitor and criticized former President George W. Bush. “I was not a big Bush fan. I thought he was not up to par,” Trump told CNN in May.

And he has continued to enjoy success among conservatives despite revelations that he once supported abortion rights, donated thousands to Democrats and questioned the heroism of Arizona Sen. John McCain, a prisoner of war during Vietnam.

Despite the trail controversial statements on the campaign trail—or perhaps because of it—Trump has skyrocketed in public opinion polls, pulling past former frontrunner Jeb Bush. A Washington Post-ABC News poll conducted over the weekend showed that 24 percent of voters that lean Republican said they would support Trump, and earlier CNN/ORC surveys have documented his rise.



Trump is a pragmatic individual, not dogmatic. I credit him for that, although he is leaning into reactionary dogma to increase support from those on the extreme right who doubt his conservative credibility.

He is a salesman- his product doesn't have 'bugs' because those are 'features' to be sold.



An Appeal from the New to the Old Liberals

(Reuters photo: Carlo Allegri)


The first man was a progressive. The coat was the liberalism of the old Democratic party. The second man was Donald Trump. And that is the story of the election this year.

The old coat, yesterday’s liberalism, was a not unlovely garment, and in many ways preferable to yesterday’s conservatism. This coat was the party of Americans for Democratic Action, of Arthur Schlesinger Jr. and Lionel Trilling. They were strongly anti-Communist and fought hard to expel the Marxists from their party. On racial matters, they were right and the conservatives of the day were wrong. Republicans point out that it was their party’s votes in Congress (more than 80 percent of Republicans in each house) that ensured the passage of the 1964 Civil Rights Act against a Senate filibuster led by Democrats such as William Fulbright (Ark.) and Sam Ervin (N.C.). All true, but let’s not forget that it was the middle-of-the-road Republicans, people like Everett McKinley Dirksen (Ill.) and Hugh Scott (Pa.), who made it happen, and not the conservatives of the day.

And today’s Democrats? With their race and gender triumphalism, with their allegiance to the Black Lives Matter movement, the progressives who dominate the party have entirely abandoned Martin Luther King Jr.’s vision of racially neutral laws and his idea that people should be judged according to the content of their character. That’s an old coat they’ve left by the side of the road for Republicans to pick up.

Consider next the economy. During the Eisenhower administration, the highest marginal income-tax rate was 91 percent, and it took Democrat John F. Kennedy to recognize that “a rising tide lifts all boats” and propose a tax reform that brought marginal rates down. Before Arthur Laffer, it was JFK who said that “the paradoxical truth is that the tax rates are too high today and tax revenues are too low and the soundest way to raise revenues in the long run is to cut rates now.”

But that didn’t bring the Republicans of the day on board. They worried more about budget deficits than economic growth, and therefore opposed tax cuts. When the legislation came up for a final vote in the House of Representatives, only 48 Republicans supported it and 126 voted against it, and it passed only because 223 liberal Democrats voted for it. Remember, we’re talking about a top marginal rate of 91 percent, which the bill reduced to a still very high 65 percent. Today it’s the progressives on the Left, such as Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren, who want to raise marginal tax rates. They are the old conservatives, and it’s the Republicans who are the old Democrats, the old liberals.

There is a hole in American politics, a hole formerly filled by the honest liberals of the past, whose party has abandoned them, and many of whose policies can more readily be seen in the Republican party and its candidate for the presidency in 2016. And there are other ways that Donald Trump more clearly has adopted the honorable liberalism of the past and departed from some of today’s Republican policies.

Yesterday’s Democrats were strong nationalists, and would have had little use for open-borders conservatives who are indifferent to the costs imposed by our idiotic immigration policies. They were also religious, and would have been horrified to learn that today’s Democratic party makes faithful Catholics feel unwanted. That’s what they thought Republicans did! They wouldn’t have compromised with Randism or a heartless libertarianism, which would have seemed like nasty and alien religions to them. They knew, as Trump does, that the welfare state is here to stay and that we don’t want to see sick people die on the streets.

#related#They believed in the American Dream, the idea that whoever you were, wherever you came from, this was the country where you could get ahead. They would be shocked to learn how we’ve become economically immobile, how today most parents feel, with reason, that their children will not have it as good as they did. And if we told them that some conservative thinkers don’t much care about economic mobility and mock the 47 percent of takers as oxy-sniffing invertebrates, they’d have said, “What do you expect from conservatives?”

Yesterday’s liberals were people who stood up for what was right, who did great things, whose errors (e.g. the Great Society) were mistakes of the mind and not the heart. Mostly, I miss their faith in the future, their exhilarating belief in the country’s greatness, so often absent in the Republican party of today — with the singular exception of its candidate for the presidency.

“Their arms were outstretched in love for the farther shore.”

     — Aeneid vi.314




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This is a Typical Trumpian Act -- Old guy you still like her? +3/-0 bladeslap 12/27/2022 11:59:51 AM