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Old guy and Angry Man won't care about this...

Old guy and Angry Man won't care about this...  

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Author: bladeslap   Date: 12/28/2022 9:39:08 AM  +4/-0   Show Orig. Msg (this window) Or  In New Window

They don't care that or why Mark Meadows "burned documents" during the transition ...

Because innocent people do that?

Because he had nothing to hide ...?

Because he was not protecting Trump and himself ?

That's why people burn documents ...

If you don't see the picture being painted and can't figure out that there was a lot of stuff going down that they don't want you to know, then you have your head in sand or somewhere else you don't want people to know 

Trump and his cabinet has orchestrated a team effort to hide as much as possible about their actions and inactions so that the public would never see the light of day of waht they 

What's even more interesting is the Lawyer Trump's team paid to represent Hutchingson told her to purger herself...Yes, told her to not tell the truth or lie about what she rememberd ...

Remember, this is a Trump paid attorney - Yet, he refused to tell her who paid for his services...

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Mark Meadows burned documents a dozen times during the transition period +4/-0 bladeslap 12/28/2022 9:34:30 AM