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Excellent points Old Guy

Excellent points Old Guy  

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Author: Citizens for sanity   Date: 12/28/2022 3:27:57 PM  +2/-3   Show Orig. Msg (this window) Or  In New Window

Unfortuneatly you're talking to extreme lefty libs here that simply don't understand basic economics. And I'm not talking about lib economics.

Liberals will brag about the stock market when it makes gains and completely ignore the market when it loses. Which has been far more times than not in the past two years.

Biden inherited a very strong economy/market. It was at 30,000 when he took office. Got as high as 36,000 but has plummeted ever since and has been hanging around the 32K / 33K mark.

Consumer confidence is at an alltime low. Every consumer product has tripled and will never get back to anywhere near what we considered normal for decades.

We have people on here praising Biden for the lowering gas prices. Does it get any more ridiculous than that. Gas has gone up over 40 cents/gallon in the last two days.

Where are the resident libs explaining that little fact. Oh yeah, it's the cold weather AND Russia causing it.

They like to have it both ways. Blame Trump when it goes to crap. And praise Biden when something resembling good happens. Nothing comes to mind though :)

You can't talk to lefties because they know everything. Everyone else are ignorant dummies.

Civilized discussion will not happen. We've  all tried for not

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Why the stock market performed the way it did (or didnt') +4/-0 bladeslap 12/28/2022 9:50:07 AM