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The only damage Trump has cause is in your head.

The only damage Trump has cause is in your head.  

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Author: Citizens for sanity   Date: 12/30/2022 1:06:56 PM  +5/-3   Show Orig. Msg (this window) Or  In New Window

There is not a single event, topic, program, bill, or dinner party that Trump has done that has resulted in anything negative for this country.

Trump put everyone to work. Democrats destroyed that dream for people.


Trump secured the border. Democrats have turned the border into a revolving door on steroids.


Trump curtailed the entry of drugs into this country. Democrats have killed countless Americans because of the Fentanyl tidal wave his policies have caused. Biden has allowed enough fentanyl into this country to kill EVERY American in the country.


Trump made America energy independent. Democrats have turned us into a country that is dependent on almost everything.


Trump had the reepect of world leaders. Democrats have caused the invasion of Ukraine because of weak leadership.


The cost of living was affordable for all Americans under Trump. The Biden administration has caused record high inflation.


The list is endless. You have nothing but unfounded hatred to contribute to any topic here. That is why this place has turned into what it is.



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New Year's Resolution +4/-3 Founding Fathers 12/30/2022 9:51:24 AM