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To Bladeslap

To Bladeslap   

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Author: Old Guy   Date: 12/31/2022 12:00:05 PM  +1/-2   Show Orig. Msg (this window) Or  In New Window

I find you utterly dishonest and disgusting.

I watch Hannity and to this day he believes the election was crooked!  You can link all the fake links you want!

If you watch or read any economic news, you would know that Biden's policies have put us were we are.

Each one of your 3 points are just utterly delusional.  Oil supply did not stay the same, why did Biden release oil from the national reserves?  Demand for oil did not go up, prices went up causing demand to go down. Reopening the economy made it worse.  Are you that big of a fool, do you think it should have stayed closed.  In reality red states opened way before blue states and they got much better!  Are you referring to a war that should NOT have happened, if our president was not so incompetent.

I am sorry that I insult the little bit of intelligence you have, so I will joint the rest of the reasonal people and refrain from posting here, you useful idiot.

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To Bladeslap +1/-3 Old Guy 12/31/2022 10:43:29 AM