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Oh Almost frogot - FOx News wanted to keep Hannity's testimony sealed...

Oh Almost frogot - FOx News wanted to keep Hannity's testimony sealed...  

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Author: bladeslap   Date: 12/31/2022 12:46:57 PM  +4/-0   Show Orig. Msg (this window) Or  In New Window

Isnt' that interesting the FOX news desperately tried to keep Hannity's testimony sealed because they did not want people like you to know they are being duped on a daily basis ...

Hannity tells you teh election is rigged...and under oath he says "Nothing could be further from the truith"

Old guy, I'm not trying to antagonize you, but you're really digging yourself a deep hole here. You're wrong about this ... very wrong ... 

This is directly from Hannity's Deposition

The laywers for Dominion told the Judge, "I did not believe it for one second (referring to Sidney poweL) who were perpetuating the big lie" - Sean Hannity admitted the "Big Lie" to be a "Big Lie" and Fox news continued to perpetuate this - 

Tucker Carlson also testified that "All the information about the big lie was false" 


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To Bladeslap +1/-3 Old Guy 12/31/2022 10:43:29 AM