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Not Only Is Biden A Fool, As Old Guy Said …

Not Only Is Biden A Fool, As Old Guy Said …  

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Author: obumazombie   Date: 6/16/2021 9:04:48 PM  +1/-3  

But he is also a racist, just as Kamala "Toe" Harris said...


The 2020 presidential campaign again brought out Biden’s inner racist. While running for president, Biden said, “If you have trouble figuring out whether you are for me or Donald Trump, then you ain’t Black.” He also said, "Poor kids are just as bright and just as talented as white kids.”

During Biden’s more than forty years of public service, the mainstream media never criticized him for his racist rhetoric. None of Biden’s comments made it difficult for him to run for president.  Just this week, more revelations came from Hunter Biden’s confiscated laptop revealing that the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree. 

On Monday, June 7, 2021, it emerged that Hunter Biden sent racist text messages to his attorney George Mesires. This revelation came from Hunter’s laptop and was reported in the Daily Mail. Joe Biden’s son continuously referred to his lawyer as the n-word. Additionally, he shared a meme of his dad calling Obama the n-word.

Since this disclosure, none of the major progressive news sources have covered the story. The New York TimesThe Washington PostCNNNBC, and MSNBChave all remained silent on the matter. This is a common example of the mainstream media covering up for fellow leftists. If one of Donald Trump’s children had made such a comment, then the media would have crucified Trump. They would have constantly reminded the public that Trump raised awful racist children. There would have been calls for Trump to resign. He might even have been impeached over it. 

Back in February, President Biden accidentally said the n-word when speaking at the Virtual Munich Security Conference. While a mistake, imagine what would have happened if Trump had said the same thing as president? The press would have vilified him. 

Former President Donald Trump never even had to say something as remotely racist as what the Biden’s said for the mainstream to crucify him. In fact, the mainstream media and Democrats perpetrated a false narrative for nearly four years accusing Trump of praising Neo-Nazis.  

For nearly four years Trump has been wrongly accused of praising Neo-Nazis at the Charlottesville, Virginia rally. Neo-Nazis and Antifa got into an altercation over removing Robert E. Lee’s statue. While Neo-Nazis and KKK were calling for violence, not everyone who participated in the protests was violent. Trump said that there were, “very fine people on both sides.” As he instantly made clear, he was referring to peaceful protestors who did not want the statues removed. He was not referring to either Neo-Nazis or Antifa. He condemned the Neo-Nazis during this same speech. 

Even though Trump condemned Neo-Nazis it did not stop the mainstream media from painting Trump as a racist. News outlets such as CNN, MSNBC, and NPR constantly accused Trump of not condemning Neo-Nazis. In fact, they blatantly lied to the public telling the public that Trump praised Neo-Nazis and the KKK. 

Throughout the years this lie has continued. Biden used this false narrative to challenge Trump for the presidency. In painting Trump as some evil racist, the mainstream media and Democrats convinced many voters that Trump actually is a racist. The left has continued to push this narrative to win support among African Americans. 

On June 8, 2021, Obama continued to push this false narrative by criticizing congressional Republicans who did not speak out about Trump’s “very fine people” remarks in regards to the Charlottesville rally. Of course, congressional Republicans did not correct Trump because they knew he was not referring to Neo-Nazis, as would anyone who was paying attention.  

The liberal media are able to convince many Americans that Trump is a horrible racist because they continue to twist his words. Ironically, the ones who are really racists are Biden and his son. They, however, get a free pass when insulting African Americans because they are leftists.    

How is it that the party that preaches diversity and inclusion has as its leader a man who has an ugly history of insulting black people? Why are there different standards of rules when dealing with celebrities, Republicans, and Democrats over racism? 

As between Trump, Joe Biden, and Hunter Biden, there are only two racists: One is the man in the White House who thinks he owns the black vote; the other is his son, a White man who is fine with using the n-word.    The Bidens can be racist while accusing Republicans and most Americans of being racist because of their leftist privilege. If Biden wants to root out racism, he should deal with his own family first.

The racist, rapist, senile, doddering, dementia riddled molester taught his son everything he knows about racism, which is about all there is if you don't add in a...


Good job Goodlibs!

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