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Pin The Tail On The Racist. Not The GOP …

Pin The Tail On The Racist. Not The GOP …  

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Author: obumazombie   Date: 6/16/2021 10:56:06 PM  +1/-2   Show Orig. Msg (this window) Or  In New Window


Not the American Eagle.

The racist tail gets pinned on the Democrat party Donkey. American News.

D'Souza, filmmaker and author of numerous bestselling books, explains on Rumble why critical race theory is the "great lie" and how it "distorts history."

Left-wing economist Robert Reich, the former Secretary of Labor under the Clinton administration, uploaded a video lambasting state laws that prohibit critical race theory in public education. "Robert Reich comes to the defense of Critical Race Theory because he wants to hide the fact that the racial atrocities of American history were all perpetrated by Democrats," quips D'Souza.

The so-called 'party of free speech' is now trying to ban educators from teaching about the anguished role racism has played in the shaping of America. We can't stand for it,"  Reich says in the one-minute clip posted on social media. D'Souza deconstructs Reich's flawed argument that claims that educators are being prevented from teaching "anguishing truths about race." D'Souza defines critical race theory as ideological spin on the current race debate.

In the video, Reich, the co-founder of Inequality Media, accuses the GOP of attacking "academic freedom," referring to the Republican-controlled states that have passed or are preparing to pass bills "that ban teaching the role race has placed in the history of American politics, policy, and law." He claims that conservatives lob the term "critical race theory" against "the nation's tragic racial history" that Republicans "don't want students to know," calling it "indoctrination" or "brain washing."

Reich argues that as an educator and public policy professor at the University of California, Berkeley, the real indoctrination is leaving out America's racial history and "only teaching children the myths that we've always been a perfect country, always lived up to our ideals, and there's no need to reckon with our past."

"That's dangerous. Unless our children know all of our history, including the anguished role racism has played in its shaping this country, they can't possibly understand why we are where we are today and what we can do to better live up to our deals. The stories we tell to ourselves matter. And it's about time we start telling the truth," Reich concludes in the video produced by Inequality Media.

D'Souza points out that what Reich wants is an educational system that "leaves out inconvenient facts that his side does not want to be amplified." He then outlines the facts. First, slavery was promoted by the Democratic Party. In 1860, the year before the Civil War and considered the zenith of American slavery, almost all the 4 million slaves in America were owned by Democrats. "This is not taught and Robert Reich wants to make sure it stays that way," D'Souza says.

Second, the liberal scholar doesn't want to teach that every segregation law in the South, without exception, was passed by Democrat legislature, signed by a Democrat governor, enforced by Democrat officials, D'Souza continues.

Critical race theory also omits the fact that in America, between 1830 and 1860, there were about 3,500 black slave owners—African American plantation owners who owned an approximate 10,000 black slaves, D'Souza points out. D'Souza observes that critical race theory advocates don't emphasize the disruptive fact because it "removes the race factor," demonstrating that slavery was human exploitation committed by white and black Americans alike.

The historical facts are indisputable yet are not taught to young Americans today, D'Souza states. Critical race theory makes no mention because its proponents "realize how incendiary it would be to mention it." D'Souza then pivots to touch upon the Democratic Party's role in creating the Ku Klux Klan and when Republicans shut down the white supremacist hate group.

In the early 20th century, progressive Democratic President Woodrow Wilson revived the Ku Klux Klan, which was confined before to certain states in the South and then began to spread nationwide. D'Souza quotes historian Eric Foner who said that the Ku Klux Klan was the "military wing of the Democrat Party."

D'Souza questions where the facts he delineated were in the revisionist New York Times 1619 Project or any other critical race theory propaganda. The bottom line of it is that the racial atrocities of American history were perpetrated by the Democrat Party and the great lie that critical race theory wants to perpetrate is to take the crimes of the Democrat Party and to blame them on America," explains D'Souza. "America did this. America did that."

D'Souza stated that what the laws banning critical race theory in American classrooms want is to "balance presentation of American history, offering both sides, not suppressing one side, and placing blame where it's do." "Pin the racist tail where it belongs: not on the Republican elephant, not on the American eagle, but on the Democrat donkey," D'Souza concludes.

The only theory that is critical to the libz, is the theory that everything will be better if they can get to that one...


Good job Goodlibs!

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