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Of course you can look at anything realistic

Of course you can look at anything realistic   

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Author: bladeslap   Date: 7/20/2021 1:50:49 PM  +3/-0   Show Orig. Msg (this window) Or  In New Window

Please show your numbers and statistics

Also, New York has more inbound flights from Europe than any other city. It is the gateway city and any city with high population is goign to see the virus rise rapidly, like in the beginning.

As we started to understand the virus, what it was about, New York started locking down.

Because you are so naive, and because the Trump continue to lie to the country about how bad it was, many people died and many were caught off guard.

Simple minded people like you have one way of operating. Give Trump credit for anything good, and deflect for anything bad. It's how you operate..It's why you've been wrong about everything. It's why you were wrong about the election being overturned. Why you were wrong about who was going to win.


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