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"Put you money where your mouth is Crowbot . Buy a slum. Good luck collect"

"Put you money where your mouth is Crowbot . Buy a slum. Good luck collect"  

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Author: TheCrow   Date: 9/14/2021 3:17:26 PM  +1/-0   Show Orig. Msg (this window) Or  In New Window

"Put you money where your mouth is Crowbot . Buy a slum. Good luck collecting rent. Just call it rresridtribution of YOUR wealth." 

Intentionally obtuse, I hope. There is really good money in slum ownership. And prostitution, drugs, human enslavement. I don't have the personality or training to make money in those fields.


There are also reasons why it seems that poverty is concentrated in urban areas. It seems so because people of all kinds, black white, red, brown, whatever, are concentrated in urban areas. That's where economic status is most visible.

It isn't so:

Yes, there are reasons why poverty exists in America. It is not simple racism, although racism has an effect on economic status. That's why the average black American family only has one-tenth the wealth of the average white American family. Explain that without racism.


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