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Author: Shooting Shark   Date: 9/16/2021 9:13:39 AM  +1/-2   Show Orig. Msg (this window) Or  In New Window

So let's put this in perspective, shall we?

The US has a population of 315.7 million people

41.6 million have contacted covid

.677 million have died of covid

41 million people have natural, permanent immunity

180 million useful idiots have got the shot-- (immunized immunity requiring booster shots)

thats 220 million people are immune 

100 million at risk of contracting the virus cases

if mortality statistics hold true, 1.61 percent will die if infected

(x100m -another -1,61 million.) 

but as the population of infected persons decreases

so too will these statistics

maybe half this number

as exposure rates naturally fall ( herd immunity) 

perhaps 800,000 more deaths ? ---2.4 million total.


But, what percentage of those deaths are attributable to the base mortality rate?

US annual: (837 per 100000) .834%.  (From Covid so far, NOT ANNuALIZED 31,6 per 100000)
806 of these deaths occurs naturally from all other causes,


Covid is today falsely is said to be the third leading cause of death in the US.

in fact 24 out of 25 deaths ocurr for all other causes. Even if you annualized Covid deaths

(Scardy Libs-- You're afraid of your own shadow, arentcha?)


1, Now, if we stoped putting Covid patients on respirators and comas 

2 Allowed MDs to treat patients using medicine

not just  hospital scripted protocols

3 Allowed medical research and reporting outside the totalitarian control of the corporate medical system

(delicensing threats from state governors and medical boards !) 

in other words create ACTUAL science, not just approved propaganda 

you might see those Covid deaths drop -- a lot!

BUT many of you Lab-rat Libs and your kids

are now sitting on a time-bomb.

long term health risks represented by the vaccine itself 

Adverse reaction statistics which are being suppressed, underreported, not part of the approved narritive,

While big tech censors social media--

thst should be proof of "conspiracy" in a normal persons mind, 

WHT if, as the Pfizer warning for Myocarditis indicates ..SERIOUS heart conditions occur

related to vax, in say, 1% of those vaccinated -- at present 220 million. These may develop over time j

2.2 million-/ roughy the same number of people projected to die from Covid infections as a whole. 

SO-- s reasonable person might conclude 

the risk from dying of Covid itself is less than tgr risk of being vaccinated.

(At this point, anyway.)


I know of a 16 year old girl with massive heart issues from the shot.

two others died within days of taking the shot. ( heart attacks) 

one woman i know has an anaphylactic reaction and was hospitalized within 1 hour of taking the shot,


And yet,

Creepy Joes silly unconstitutionall mandates don't address

Legitimate Medical Exemptions for pre ecisting  conditions.

( doesn't fit the narritive)

Ask Eric Clapton-- and millions of people like him!

This is why FASCISM is a bad word, Libs!

Your masters call it a "Public-Private Partnership"

And you FOLOW it blindly!

Useful Idiots! 








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