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4.55 Million COVID Deaths, No Investigation Needed...

4.55 Million COVID Deaths, No Investigation Needed...  

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Author: Shooting Shark   Date: 9/19/2021 2:22:27 PM  +1/-3   Show Orig. Msg (this window) Or  In New Window


I may contact Covid, (I may not) the odds are in my favor, 1-2% actuall die from this. 
you may believe the statistics indicate any, I question the motives of  a system of propaganda snd profit that  that platforms  and delincenses scientific professionals who object.. other " experts" than the ones you are told to genuflect too..,

If I get a shot I become a lib lab-rat, a statistical blip, with 40 trillion strands of human created mRNA infesting every cell in my body, producing massive spike proteins that the CDC s already recognizes is harmful to the health of an undisclosed, unknown actual number of people.

Since you are s lib lab rat --I do hope it works out for you.

Time will tell.

But if you blindly trust everything you hear from Fauci and Corporate mass media,

If you think this vaccine is "safe" just because the media recites that falsehood,

(its "false"because, as seen above, CDC admits insufficient data in the face of known adverse reactions) 

And you actually believe Creepy Joes mandate ( which doesn't allow for medical or religious exemptions) is somehow "constitutional"

Then,  I say you aren't smart enough to understand the concept of American Rights and personal responsibilities, just s naively trusting "lib lab rat!"

Totalitarianism on desplay:

1.Creepy Joe wants OHSA to enforce his mandate on 8 million private enterprises  with s $13.700 penalty ( per capita) for "non compliance" -- problem is, there are only 1900 OShA inspectors nationwide. Math is hard if you're a lib, apparently.

2. All Federal employees snd contractors must be vaccinated ( without medical or religious exemption) by November 22 this yeat. However--wait for it--

"Congress and congressional staff are EXEMPT from that requirement!"

Yesh, that should tell you all you need to know,

Ill take My chances. It's my Rightb fo so, 

 You have unwittingly already taken yours chances, too!

Heres your sign, 

"Useful Idiot"





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