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You know exactly how God operates in all things? That's your position.

You know exactly how God operates in all things? That's your position.  

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Author: TheCrow   Date: 9/21/2021 1:52:13 PM  +3/-0   Show Orig. Msg (this window) Or  In New Window

Evolution exists and has been observed, proven.

The issue with creation, from nothing to something is being investigated. Several scientifically sound theories have been proposed.

The issue of the origin of life is also being investigated.

But first, one has to agree on what is 'alive'.

Are viruses 'alive'?

Are prions 'alive'?

What is 'intelligence'?

What is 'intelligent'?

If the universe can explained as the result of natural processes, why not?

What was the latest miracle you observed? How do you know it was a miracle? Suppose God decided to miraculously affect reality- wouldn't the process appear to be seamless and scientific? Otherwise, it would be proof of God's existence and limitations come with existence. Faith is boundless, just as God is. All that exists (and more) is through God.

I reckon that implies God can do whatever, without limitations. But anything created has limits, a start and an end. You and I aren't smart enough, can't be smart enough to exceed those limits. You can't tell God how to do things, as you apparently believe you can.

So why wouldn't he use evolution? Observed and proven scientifically. Why? Because that's how God decided to do that. 

It fits the patterns we're learning of existence, without a 'magic trick'.

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