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Author: Shooting Shark   Date: 9/22/2021 9:46:29 AM  +2/-2>

Libs, watch this video.

This RN makes a case that's hard to dispute, and backs it up with reports, research, statistics 

Crowbot, spare us a three page propaganda post trying to discredit the medium ( rumble) 

rumble exists because of censorship of the other outlets ( YouTube/ Facebook)

science can't exist as a censored endeavor.

from the article ( video) above,  a few disturbing highlights:

1.breakthrough Covid hospitalization in Australia are a vast majority

2. PCR testing was modified after Biden took office to lower the testable prevalence of Covid infections 

3 . Dr Eadon, former head of Phizer is calling for a moritorium on EUA vaxes. 

4. Controlled clinical studies in Mexico, Peru, and many other countries validate the massive vaccination effects  offered by Ivermecktin.

5. Japan has shown Covid vax spike proteins aren't local, they are found in and affect vital organs ( brain, heart, liver. etc.

6. Animal studies do not support mRNA vaccines. Animsls vaccinated showed a 100% mortality rate when immunized immunity decreased over time, when later exposed to the virus or varient.

7. vaccinations do not affect transmission. The same viral load is found in vaxed and non vaxed people.

8. Overstressing hopital wards is big lie. Plenty of capacity.

9. MDs are voluntarily refusing to get the shot, knowingly losing their professional credentials as a result. This coersion isn't medical science, it's politics, propaganda, and money. 

10.VAERs reports 1% of actual cases.. 12000 people have died as a short term effect of the vax, the long term effects are potentilally serious.

11. Lockdowns, mandates, loss of liberty, coercion.. all UNAMERiCAN fascist manipulations which must be stopped--There are safe and effective ways to irradiate this bioweapon China / US has unleashed on the world.

Dont be a useful idiot.

The above video is the best use of 49 minutes of your life you'll find anywhere! 

(And do the speaker is very cute.

At times you may find it hard to concentrate on what she's saying but--

too already late for you lib lab-ratz!

Enjoy your side effects!
Recite your approved unscientific, politicized, propaganda! 

useful idiots! 

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