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Author: bladeslap   Date: 9/26/2021 1:08:20 PM  +3/-0   Show Orig. Msg (this window) Or  In New Window


You are the epitome of projection. In about the worst way possible

I bring up Pizza gate to you because you refuse to admit it was a huge hoax. You still believe it. Your ability to discern fact from fiction is just, piss poor. What else can be said?

Almost everything you contribute on here is projection. We're used to it. When I see you type something, it's in reality you projecting. 

I also love how you are judging Biden from his first few months in office. 

For you to now understand how much of a disaster and pathological liar Trump was is simply telling about how naive of a human being you are. 

More coming out about Trump .. you're just too naive and have an ego problem to know how he manipulated you into believing he actually cares about you in the least bit.

He marketed to your weakness and naivety and you bought it hook line and sinker. You'll never admit it because your ego wont' allow you to broach that ... so what your defense mechansims do is search for conspiracy theories to support your warped sense of reality.

Same goes for Pizzza gate. Been disproven by every single law enforcement agency, yet you still believe it.

Beyond any shadow of a doubt that Trump blackmailed Ukranian govt, yet you turn a blind eye.

Anybody and anything is better than Trump. 600k people dead from Cronona, many of whom would have not died had Trump not played it down ... I don't know if it's lack of intelligence or huge ego that blinds you to that.

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