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Correct some of your post

Correct some of your post  

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Author: TheCrow   Date: 10/21/2021 3:20:53 PM  +3/-0   Show Orig. Msg (this window) Or  In New Window

As you grew up your heathcare was not free, your father paid for it as he served.  I thank him!

You are correct: there is no such thing as a free lunch or free healthcare. But- and it's a BIG BUT! any cooperation and control is better than none, which is the default condition at present. 


If you have experience with goverment heathcare then you are aware of how bad it can be and the changes Trump made.  I have a hard time with you thinking Trump did no good!

And I also had the chance to observe how good that universal healthcare can be. I never denied that Trump did accomplich somethings. The overall evaluation of his presidency is still bad, even if only the second worst.


Americans heathcare is not socialism yet!  All medical care is paid for some way, uninsured bills are averaged into insured bills.  Just like the theft of a candy bar is averaged into other products.  It does not become socialist until the government controls it, today we still have some free market.

You are confused. The government does control healthcare by law.


Requiring people to purchase Obamacare was the worst part of it.

Do you have personal responsibility laws in your state? I can buy my car insurance or purchase coverage in a assumed risk(?) pool to operate a motor vehicle. Yes, that's a privilege. But as soon as an uninsured person is treated by a healthcare provider insted of dying at home, a privilege has been exercised.  You are paying for that 'free' healthcare.


Why not Free market heathcare?

Indeed, why not? But personal responsibility required. At some point, everybody requires healthcare. Or they die in a hermit cabin completely off the grid. Which you aren't, are you?


Look at LASIK Surgery, no Medicare, no Blue Cross, no employer .

Uh, no. Cash up front and a waiver.


Patients get a package price, know what they are going to pay in advance.  There are no surprise medical bills.  Despite a huge increase in the number of procedures and new technogy .....the real price of LASIK surgery has gone down 25% percentage in a few years.  Why? The free market place.

Decide which point you're making. You seem to endorse both sides.


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