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What will it take for certain people on here to see Trump as the fraud that

What will it take for certain people on here to see Trump as the fraud that  

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Author: bladeslap   Date: 10/23/2021 9:25:37 AM  +2/-0   Show Orig. Msg (this window) Or  In New Window

The Trump Cult refuse to see. It's partially ego and partially the inability to think on their own.

They rationalize everything to continue supporting their fragile egos; pooty and old guy being the two biggest offenders.

They refuse to see just how much a fraud he is. When you show clear examples of how he defrauded people BEFORE he got in office, they say "Oh, but he'll be "different" as president. Then you show clear proof how he blackmailed Ukraine (and possibly China). His OWN former National Security Advisor wrote a book indicating just how bad he mucked things up an clearly laid out the Quid Pro Quo, but Old Guy and Flipper refuse to believe it. They say Bolton is lying.

In fact, they believe everybody is lying about Trump to include Michael Cohen, Bolton, Matis, Miles Davis...

What's more likely? Is Trump lying or is EVERYBODY ELSE LYING? Think about it -

They refuse to think though ... they refuse.

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