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Oh dear Obsy

Oh dear Obsy  

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Author: bladeslap   Date: 8/1/2022 10:12:10 AM  +3/-1   Show Orig. Msg (this window) Or  In New Window


Magnitudes of orders more people were saved from the vaccine than were affected by its side effects. Whether you get your head around that or not won't change the facts. Every country in the world sees the statistics and understands these simple facts.

Again, if you want to have some moticum of credibiliy on here, quite cherry picking. That's when you take one case out of millions and try to covince yourslef and others that that ONE cases represents the entire body of evidence.

I can also show you girls that got severe nuerological disease from the HPV vaccine (the one that prevents cancer). Yes, it's something like 1 in 10,000,000, but it does happen. You are trying to point out the one case that it hurt rather than the millions that it helped.

Obsy, with all due respect, you don't understand the math.

Even with the most high risk group, which represents the 16-29 group, the studies show the benefits far outweigh the risks

Benefit-risk assessment of COVID-19 vaccine, mRNA (Comirnaty) for age 16-29 years - PubMed (

If you want to take the time to digest that, there's no reason your opionions will not change...unless you refuse to use logic and only rely on emotion.

Obsy, are you going to use Emotion or Logic to process this? If Emotion, then this discussion is over an I don't have anything more to discuss with you. If you're going to use Logic, then let's have a deep dive into this.

Which will it be?

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A few democrats with a clear head +4/-4 Old Guy 7/31/2022 1:26:55 PM