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Trump in your head much :)

Trump in your head much :)  

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Author: bladeslap   Date: 8/2/2022 6:05:59 AM  +2/-3   Show Orig. Msg (this window) Or  In New Window


You need a little dose of reality. 

Trump is in every paper, on every news site, in every 1 out of 5 stories. Trump is in everybody's head now, why?

1. He was arguably the worst president this country ever had

2. More than half his cabinet and staff are revealing just how incompetent and unqualified he was

3. He's being investigated for multiple crimes against this country 

So, this is pretty big news as we see what the resolution is going to be. So, if you want to make this about me so that you can cover your own shortcomings, feel free... 

the different between you and me is pretty simple. I seek truth and want accountability ...

You seek stroking of your ego and fostering of hatred ...

So, feel free to call names, label etc -

You are watching the unravelling of a former president 

What amazes me is your ability to "Cherry Pick"

Unemployment went to 10% Under Trump

Our reputation in the world plummeted

Trump enabled and emboldened Putin by praising him and teling the world he trusted Putin and not our own intelligence

Trump borrowed and skyrocketed the deficit to cut taxes to the most wealthy

Obama's Jobs and Stock  market performed better than Trump's

Biden's overall GDP has performed better than Trump's

The entire world is having an inflation and supply chain issue...And higher gas prices... It has nothing to do with Biden

That's the difference between you and Crow Jett and myself. We seek truth and you project and have no interest in the truth.

That's the pattern ...

Oh, and how do you feel about Trump Georgia, J6, DOJ, and NY AG all investigating him for crimes?

"SEE THE PATTERN HERE", as you so aptly put it?

No, you cherry pick and ignore what's right in front of your face.


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Oh My, this is scary +4/-1 bladeslap 8/1/2022 10:18:49 PM