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Controling on the common average law abiding citizen and letting others get

Controling on the common average law abiding citizen and letting others get  

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Author: TheCrow   Date: 8/8/2022 4:43:50 PM  +2/-0   Show Orig. Msg (this window) Or  In New Window

Controling on the common average law abiding citizen and letting others get away with murder.

Those "others" are called criminals because they choose to violate the law. Which is why I carry, with or without legal permission and have done so since 1970. When I interact(ed) with law enforcement, there has been no issue other than checking the weapon serial number against registry of stolen weapons. Now, were I a criminal or Trumpian jerk, things might have ended differently.

If you don't agree with your state's laws regarding weapons, perhaps you should do more than whine about them here?

Maybe your god, your Dear Leader Donal J Trump will miracle your state? He knows all and cares about everyone of his 'constituents'? Nah- He DGAF about you peasants until his next campaign. Then, he'll promise you rainbows and shite. He'll deliver the latter.

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Quite the list of businesses leaving democratic run cities and states. +1/-2 observer II 8/7/2022 9:25:15 AM