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Author: bladeslap   Date: 11/14/2022 10:33:02 AM  +3/-1   Show Orig. Msg (this window) Or  In New Window

Old guy,

We can argue the same exact thing for Trump - What the F were you thinking when you voted for him?

This is a man who now admits to tampering with teh Desantis campaign by sending in the FBI to stop ballot counting?

He's the man who 100% cares about himself and not the country and is willing to go scorched earth if he doesn't make it - 

A man who is willing to destroy democracy rather than accept that he rightfully lost the election (Which he ADMITTED to multiple people around him (testified))

Then we go to Herschel Walker - Who would possibly support him or vote for him? A man who physically abused his wife ... among other things ...

So, before you start bashing someone because they are recoving from a stroke, no fault of his own, look in your rear view mirror at the poeple who did things, some horrible things, that they didnt need to do ...

All of a sudden your argument doesnt seem so strong, now does it?

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Our elections have less and less credibility +2/-2 Old Guy 11/13/2022 5:37:19 PM