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Does not take much to make you happy

Does not take much to make you happy  

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Author: TheCrow   Date: 12/1/2022 10:37:54 AM  +3/-0   Show Orig. Msg (this window) Or  In New Window

First GDP is up because of government spending, money going to Ukraine leading the way.

Cite the source that states foreign aid has a positive effect to American economic growth. Spending, in and of itself, is neither positive nor negative. If anything, the assets going elsewhere are an impediment to economic growth.


Not something to jump up and down about.

To that point, I do endorse aid to Ukraine. It's their country, their fight and they are doing well, to everybody's surprise. I am very happy to see that success, it should discourage any tendency to adventurism.

That coould increase Russian tensions on the world stage. What appears to be a failure for Putin in Ukraine could result in his replacement by an even less rational, more nationalistic expansionistic leader taking his place. Russia feels 'put upon' by an anti-Russian rest of the world. A nostalgic recall of 'Soviet' influence in politics is dangerous, the world has changed significantly, making "Soviet politics" much less effective and much, much more dangerous.


Jobs, not all that great either.  Unemployment rate is figured by people looking for work. 

You are partially correct- jobs are down compared to the numbers before 2020:

The jobs number is still recovering from the COVID RECESSION. I will say that again: The jobs number is still recovering from the COVID RECESSION. The severity of COVID's effect was directly influenced, magnified, at least in the short term, by Trump's minimization of the danger and delayed public health response.



They are included in the job particiapation rate which is at a 36 year high. 

Well- that depends on exactly what number you use for labor "particapation rate". Some indexes include 'discouraged workers'- who, generally speaking, are no longer eligible for unemployment but are still part of the natioonal labor force:

  • Discouraged workers are workers who have stopped looking for work because they found no suitable employment options or failed to be shortlisted when applying for a job.

  • The causes for worker discouragement are complex and varied.

  • Discouraged workers are not included in the headline unemployment number. Instead, they are included in the U-4, U-5, and U-6 unemployment measures.



They are included in the job particiapation rate which is at a 36 year high.  Also, not something to jump up and down about.

Here's a visual that shows the labor force participation. Note the 2020 COVID Recession drop in participation that America is still in the process of recovery. 




Now if you look at the consumer confidence numbers your find it not good for Biden.  One more item not to jump up and down about.

It would appear that consumer confidence is also still in recovery from Trump's Covid Recession:


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They voted for it, not like they were not told. +2/-2 Old Guy 11/30/2022 12:18:43 PM