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Dr. Fauci is a good man, he's doing his best...

Dr. Fauci is a good man, he's doing his best...  

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Author: Jett   Date: 6/5/2021 3:48:00 PM  +2/-1   Show Orig. Msg (this window) Or  In New Window

Oh sure there were some missteps along the way but that's to be expected. There was and still is a lot of OJT with this COVID thing, we all have a lot to learn with this virus.

Why would you want to attack Dr. Fauci? As it turns out he was way more right about COVID than the Extreme Right such as yourself. You morons including Donnie with all of your "Hoax" nonsense, you tried to belittle it but that simply couldn't work because the deaths were piling up and you couldn't hide that. Remember all of the BS like "It's Just The Flu Snowflakes". Try selling that to the families of the 600K Americans who have died. A member of my family died from it. It's estimated that the true number of infections is probably 2-3 times higher than the official number.

Masks are a ridiculous argument, it's been known for a hundred years that masks are an effective way to prevent the spread of germs and disease, why do you think they have been used in hospitals for such a long time. Masks definitely do work, there was some confusion early on about that because we had a shortage of masks and the health care professionals wanted to save them for those on the front line and the doctors and nurses. So they were kind of discouraging the use of masks during that time because of that, Dr. Fauci wasn't lying.

It's amazing, you will believe stuff as stupid as QAnon, but you deny that masks work. Go figure... 


And hey, be a true American Patriot and go get your Jab!    

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