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To crow from below

To crow from below  

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Author: Old Guy   Date: 6/18/2021 11:06:07 AM  +1/-1   Show Orig. Msg (this window) Or  In New Window

Crow, I can assure you that if benefits for single mothers would change and there was NO loss of benefits if people got married, this completely would change.  So, I see you noticed that poor people come in all colors!  No systematic racism here.

I can also believe that if the minimum wage was discontinued, and anyone could use open negotiations for wages that unemployment differences would diminish.  Wages would be settled on the supply and demand system.  The young could negotiate with lower wades to gain employment experience, others could negotiate for higher wages because of experience.

Education is one more way the democrats have created the economic disparitiy.  The public school system sucks and school vouchers would really help solve this problem.  Just the competition for education dollars would cause all education to improve.  But No! Democrats can't support anything but public education.  All of my family goes to private school and any family could do the same and take advantage of better education if the democrats cared more about kids education than the teachers Union.

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