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Now it's starting to get very interesting

Now it's starting to get very interesting  

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Author: observer II   Date: 8/16/2022 10:53:09 AM  +3/-4  

So currently there are about 14 FBI whistle blowers claiming that what the FBI has been doing is completely out of character and violating the constitution. They claim the FBI is out of control and something needs to happen or it will only get worse.

What will you libs say when it comes out that the FBI has become a political weapon to intimidate and harrass political foes.

I've said it many times. January 6th was an FBI orchestrated event to inplicate Trump at all means.

They ignored the question as to whether they were present at the white house on jan 6th which most definitely implicates them in a very negative way. Silence = guilt

Wait until all this developes and the truth comes out. They need to clean house and only hire Americans in these important government positions.

The tide is turning. We all see it.

Liz Chaney will be out today as she is the definition of a RINO. She is a poison pill that does not use facts as her guiding principals. SHe has evolved into a typical liberal tool/sheep. Does not think for herself but only follows the lead sheep.

So tell me libs, does it feel like your world is falling apart?????

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Now it's starting to get very interesting +3/-4 observer II 8/16/2022 10:53:09 AM