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OK, then tell me something jettsheep

OK, then tell me something jettsheep  

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Author: observer II   Date: 8/19/2022 8:56:14 AM  +3/-4   Show Orig. Msg (this window) Or  In New Window

Why do you support the liberal laws that allow adults to violate small children?

Liberal laws that do not require pedophiles to register so people have no idea what they are living next to.

There are already blue states that are doing this. And I'm sure there are other blue states that are working on it.

Then we have the liberal policies that want to teach our kids about the proper way to perform oral sex, anal sex, and the all important decision to start gender reasignment.

This is just a couple examples of the liberal agenda. But they have all been discussed here and I don't remember you condemning any of them.

And let me tell you something Mr. crybaby. I didn't call you a pedophile, but your silence regarding these disgusting topics tells everyone that you aren't against any of them either.

So you incrimnate yourself. I certainly wasn't part of your silence.

So cry to the moderator all you want. But look back at the things you have called me. And not once have I sent a message complaining.

You have made your bed jettsheep, now it's time to sleep in it. Your history of posting was your bed. And you called me an extremist :(

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Just for you, Buddha. +7/-4 Shooting Shark 8/17/2022 7:18:17 PM