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Author: observer II   Date: 8/22/2022 7:41:45 AM  +4/-3   Show Orig. Msg (this window) Or  In New Window

disgusting degenerative acts of disease spreading activities.

That may sound harsh but facts are facts.

Just think about how AIDS got over here

Now think about how Monkey Pox got over here.

It wasn't because of a mistake

It wasn't because something got out of a vile and spread by accident

Maybe they should develope a monkey pox test kit so these degenerates can test before engaging in the game butt darts.

Do what you want in the privacy of your own home, but be responsible.

I remember so well when Biden blamed the spread of covid on the unvaccinated. I remember when they all were claiming how unvaccinated people were killing grandma.

So where are these same people when it comes to monkey pox? Why are they not blaming the gay community for spreading this deadly disease caused by choice.

It's no different than a person with AIDS knowingly having sex with multiple partners. That's murder my friends.

So where are these amazing Americans now. They didn't seem to have any qualms accusing people of killing grandma from a virus that no one wanted.

Hypocrisy..................don't you think

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A philosopher’s Death Wish: Michael Foucault +5/-3 Shooting Shark 8/22/2022 1:18:08 AM