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Obsy, how do you feel about Trump and attacks on teh FBI?

Obsy, how do you feel about Trump and attacks on teh FBI?  

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Author: bladeslap   Date: 8/22/2022 9:36:10 PM  +5/-0   Show Orig. Msg (this window) Or  In New Window

First, the classified info sent to Hillary was

1) Mostly not classified when it was sent

2) The markings were confusing, so anyone could have made that mistake

3) She was secretary of state at the time, so she had access to that info, she just didn't handle it like she should have

4) The information that was "classified" was about drone strikes that had already been made public, but the documents were still considered classified


Here's where the difference is

1) Trump took the documents off site

2) The statements he made about having highly classified documents on site were false (which led to the raid)

3) The found HUNDREDS of classified documents in January at his Maro Lago Resort. Some of the documents found were "Top Secret / sensitive compartmented information"

So, if it is indeed the case that he took them off-site, illegally held that at his resort, do you think there should be any penalty for him? After all, he did sign the new stricter law in ... 

What think you?

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Obsy, how do you feel about Trump and attacks on teh FBI? +4/-1 bladeslap 8/22/2022 3:19:14 PM