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The big Reversal is happening

The big Reversal is happening  

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Author: bladeslap   Date: 8/8/2022 7:31:27 AM  +3/-0   Show Orig. Msg (this window) Or  In New Window

What I can also guarantee you, and this is sad ...

Obsy and Old guy do not want Biden to have all these wins. They would rather the stock market plummet, inflation go through the roof SO THEY CAN BE RIGHT and say "I told you so". They are more interested in being right than interested in what's right for this country. It's just how they operate.

Obsy operates on hatred. He needs Biden to fail because that's all he understands. He wants some moticum of evidence that "See, Trump was better". But, when that hosue crumbles, let's see what he turns to next. Will it be more conspiracy theories to explain away why Trump was robbed (even though every sane human being realizes that Trump should never  be within 1,200 miles of Washington DC ever again for a multitide of reasons).

List of former Trump officials / supporters who became Trump Critics


  1. General Mattis
    "We are witnessing the consequences of three years of this deliberate effort. We are witnessing the consequences of three years without mature leadership. We can unite without him, drawing on the strengths inherent in our civil society. This will not be easy, as the past few days have shown, but we owe it to our fellow citizens; to past generations that bled to defend our promise; and to our children," he wrote.

    "We must reject and hold accountable those in office who would make a mockery of our Constitution," his statement said.

  2. Richard V. Spencer - "It was also a reminder that the President has very little understanding of what it means to be in the military, to fight ethically or to be governed by a uniform set of rules and practices," he wrote.

  3. John BoltonBolton wrote that Trump directed him to help with his pressure campaign in Ukraine to dig up dirt on Democrats. The manuscript also reportedly claimed that Trump directed Bolton to set up a meeting between the President of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelensky, and Trump's lawyer, Rudy Giuliani.

  4. Former White House chief of staff John KellyKelly has said he believes Bolton's accusation -- that Trump told Bolton US security aid to Ukraine was conditioned on an investigation of the President's political rivals.

  5. <span>Former White House national security adviser H.R. McMaster - amid the Ukraine scandal and subsequent impeachment inquiry, McMaster took part in a panel and was asked by a reporter if it is appropriate for a president to solicit foreign interference in the US political process.

  6. <span>Former Homeland Security adviser Tom Bossert -  Bossert told ABC's "This Week" he was "deeply disturbed" by the contents of Trump's call with the Ukrainian President.

  7. <span>Cliff Sims, former special assistant to the President and director of White House Message Strategy-

    Sims wrote "Team of Vipers," claiming, among other things, that Trump created an "enemies list" consisting of members of his own administration.
    In early 2019, after the book was published, Sims sued Trump and sought an injunction against the nondisclosure agreements Trump had him agree to when he worked at the White House.

  8. >Gary Cohn, former National Economic Council director - Cohn said last year that he was "concerned" there was no one left in Trump's staff to stand up to him and tell him what he didn't want to hear.

  9. Former White House counsel Ty CobbAfter leaving the White House, he said he did not think the special counsel's probe was a "witch hunt."

  10. Former Secretary of State Rex Tillerson  - 
    Tillerson also called Trump "undisciplined" and Trump would ask him to do things he didn't understand were a violation of the law.

    Tillerson also took a swipe at Trump's actions during the Ukraine investigation, saying that clearly asking for personal favors and using United States assets as collateral is wrong."

  11. Former US Special Representative for Ukraine Kurt Volker - Volker told BBC News in his first television interview since the Senate impeachment trial he thought "it was a mistake" for Trump to try and withhold aid from Ukraine for political reasons.


This is a short list and THIS IS FROM 2 years ago - the list has grown "tremendously" since then ... Countless people have denounced him for actions and inactions taken by him for selfish reasons, having nothing to do with helping the country and only for helpin himself. A few people close to him have stated that his only intention to run again is to keep himself out of jail.

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The big Reversal is happening +3/-0 bladeslap 8/8/2022 6:39:56 AM