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You don't understand how the courts work obviously

You don't understand how the courts work obviously  

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Author: bladeslap   Date: 8/8/2022 10:40:47 AM  +3/-0   Show Orig. Msg (this window) Or  In New Window

If the court sees NO merit to hear the case, the deny taking it up. They didn't ignore it ... They reviewed it and refused to hear it ... Why?

It has NO Merit. 

They review the petition, and IF THEY FEEL there is no legal standing (because ultimately, the Supreme court is the final Appeals Court), They reject it - It's not "Ignored"

What you're mistaking is "I, Old guy thinks they should have heard the case" ... And you know they get hundreds if not thousands of cases a year, from appeal, that go to the Supreme court.

If at least four of the justices feel they should hear the case, then it is heard. If not, it's a done deal

Similarly, Trump appealed to the Supreme court to block the J6 committee from obtaining records. 

The court announced on Tuesday in its latest list of orders that it would not take up Trump’s appeal to a lower-court ruling allowing the select committee access to the documents.

So, to your point, "The Supreme Court Ignored Trump's case"

The supreme court did not hear it becasue THERE WAS NO LEGAL STANDING FOR APPEAL TO THEM. They only take up a case where there is a legal standing to appeal a lower court decision.  They sumarily said "No, you have ZERO legal standing"

So, given that, and given Trump appointed 3 of the 9 justices, there were not 4 justices on the court to agree that the case should be heard

Parallel to this, every single other case was thrown out or decided against him. So what you are saying is this is a massive big conspiracy that involved every single court in the nation?

If you want a list of all the cases:

Trump, Republican Lawsuits Challenging 2020 Election: List (

Every Single One was thrown out or decided against him - every single one ....

Every single one ...

Occam's Razor: is the idea that, in trying to understand something, getting unnecessary information out of the way is the fastest way to the truth or to the best explanation.

The simplest explanation is generally the correct one - 

You have tried to complicate this ...



1. Every single Court believes that

2. His own VP believes it

3. His own DOJ beieves it

4. Former seante majority leader believes it

5. His own election Czar believes it

6. His own daughter believes it

Yet you still persist ... 



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Obsy, Old Guy, Flipper - A Question +3/-0 bladeslap 8/8/2022 7:42:54 AM