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Trump said "Nothing like this has ever happened to a former president"

Trump said "Nothing like this has ever happened to a former president"  

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Author: bladeslap   Date: 8/9/2022 5:17:10 AM  +4/-0   Show Orig. Msg (this window) Or  In New Window

Sure Donnie - thats because we never had a crook, a thief, and someone so incredibly corrupt in office like you before. Someone who tried feverishly and desperately to overthrow a legitimate election. 

You brougt this on yourself because you are of the lowest energy. You think the rules don't apply to you. You are a spin-master for your drunk followers who think you can do no wrong and only like to apply the "rule of law" when it suits their selfish and  egotistical agendas.

You believe you are the all mighty - they call you teflon don for a reason ... because stuff just does not seem to stick to you. Well, that's all about to change. I believe there is little to nothing you can do about the upcoming charges...and this is just the beginning.

You have ravaged the office of the POTUS. You have disgrace the institution. Your bull in a china-shop mentality and your ardous projection and media circus is not going to protect you against the attacks on the constitution. It's not going to protect you against what's right and what you have coming.

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First time in the history of this nation an Ex President.... +4/-0 bladeslap 8/9/2022 2:41:12 AM