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When A lib Says “Science” About Any Topic...  

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Author: obumazombie   Date: 6/5/2021 3:16:46 PM  +0/-2  

Or issue, grab your wallet, put on your manure boots, and open your umbrella while the lib in question supplies you with yellow rain, with electrolytes...

New Email Revelations Prove That Slippery Dr. Fauci Lied About His Lying on Masks

On March 8, 2020, Dr. Fauci famously told Americans via 60 Minutes that there’s no reason to be walking around with a mask.  In fact, masks are likely even counterproductive, he said, because people don’t wear them correctly, constantly touch their face when wearing them, and the mask may give a false sense of security to wearers that may lessen other practical precautions to avoid exposure, like washing hands or physical distancing. 

Months later, he told us that he knew that masks actually would save countless lives, but he was lying to us in March about masks’ effectiveness because wanted to protect the medical mask supply chains for hospital workers.  And he had “no regrets” about telling this lie, he told Lawrence O’Donnell, because it was “correct in the context of when” he made the recommendation.  Besides, he said, “it soon became clear that homemade masks were as good as the masks that you would buy from surgical supply stores.”

I missed that quote last year while following this, but perhaps that’s because the media neglected to fact check the good doctor on this extremely stupid and unscientific thing that he said.  I have no doubt that there are many, many scientists and doctors who would go on the record saying that a semi-clean rag you leave lying around your home or in your glovebox and wear loosely around your face is most certainly not “as good” at preventing or slowing respiratory viral spread as a mask purchased in a surgical supply store. 

Unless you’re speaking, of course, about the great many doctors and scientists who still maintain the pre-April 2020 scientific consensus that any mask which is practical for use in day-to-day life won’t help much to slow respiratory viral spread anyway, so they’d be equally useless for that purpose.  But many people don’t hear from those doctors or about those studies either, because Fauci, the CDC, the WHO (all of whom advised against general public masking in early 2020), along with some power-hungry and self-righteous tech geeks in Silicon Valley who largely curate the information that we imbibe on social media, happen to now collectively find those doctors’ and scientists’ conclusions to be a danger to public health.

Irrespective, even if Fauci’s later claim was true, as I argued last summer, Fauci still lied to the American people, and that should be an unacceptable violation of the public trust for a federal health official.  But many on the left, including some progressive friends of mine, still argued the fawning media’s position that it was something of a “noble lie” meant to protect hospital workers, as John Miltimore at the Foundation for Economic Education describes how the supposed deception became culturally acceptable.

Well, new email revelations prove that when he told Americans that masks didn’t work, he truly didn’t believe that the masks worked.  He was recommending in private emails exactly what he told Americans in the 60 Minutes interview where he claims to have been lying to everyone.  It wasn’t until the end of March that the private emails seem to suggest that Fauci had “become more receptive to the idea of masking up.”

In short, he was lying when he claimed that he had previously lied to us.

It’s mind-boggling that the most prominent health official in the country would create and disseminate an audacious lie about his having conspired with the public health intelligentsia to deceive the entire country, believing that to be a better option than simply owning up to his having reacted to an evolving position on the matter over time and given new information. 

But that’s what happened, and it worked.  Perhaps even more mind-boggling is that half of the country seems to have been totally fine with his having lied to us under the auspices of protecting medical personnel.  If masks truly worked like the magical talismans that Fauci and the masking zealots later claimed that they do, there’d be no way of knowing exactly how many grandmas and grandpas died in March because Fauci, supposedly the most trusted man in America in the early days of the pandemic as it related to the news about the risks and prevention of the novel virus, told them not to wear masks, and he even hectored Americans who held the notion that masks would be effective in slowing the spread of the virus.

It was never a good or convincing story, but progressive imaginations fashioned it into an acceptable one.  Most likely, that’s because it was what they wanted to hear about masks, and their blind acceptance of Fauci’s unpersuasive reasoning for his reversal on the subject was little more than a rudimentary form of confirmation bias. 

These emails blow the frail foundations of those progressives’ fantasy to bits.  Progressives may have accepted that Fauci, the all-knowing, lied to us for our own good.  But the fact that the lie that they accepted was, in fact, a lie that was created to manipulate the progressive flock into blind acceptance to his subjective will should be a bitter pill to swallow for the leftist faithful who fancy themselves such free thinkers, and one might think that this would be enough to help end the public canonization that this lying charlatan has enjoyed this past year.

I’m skeptical that this alone would be the final straw breaking the camel’s back, but be sure to stay tuned.  Given that Amazon and Barnes and Noble just delisted Fauci’s upcoming book, Expect the Unexpected: Ten Lessons on Truth, Service, and the Way Forward, something tells me that this revelation is among the smaller of those that are to come.  Even greater lies and scandals are undoubtedly yet to be revealed, and there’ll be more to this ongoing story of the fall of Saint Fauci.

Image: Official portrait, via Wikimedia Commons // public domain. Image filtered with FotoSketcher

Its not very difficult to swindle a lib, if you are a lib on both sides of the transaction.

All the libz on this forum were duped repeatedly by the fraud Fauci.

He may be the biggest villain to come along in our lifetime.

If you want to avoid a similar experience, avoid agreeing with, or being duped by any form of socialism, ie, DON'T BE A USEFUL IDIOT, AND QUIT DOING A...


Good job Goodlibs!

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