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Really, Bladeslap

Really, Bladeslap   

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Author: Shooting Shark   Date: 7/5/2022 4:09:01 PM  +2/-1   Show Orig. Msg (this window) Or  In New Window

So what? 
Various faiths DO vary about the nature of human life. And in a democracy, faith matters, because it informs a persons world view. you are free to disagree with a particular faith, but you don't have the right to impose YoUR. World view on someone else. That's the idea behind freedom of religion in America.

Thst said, the argument has been made by athests that Faith itself is dangerous to a secular point of view. They any religious viewpoint or public  expression of a religious view codified in law is a violation of The Separation of Church and State. The problem is, they too have a worldview, and in fact it's a minority viewpoint in the larger mosaic of a plurality of religious belief in America. 

The ( AHA) American Humanist Association ( a secular political action group) originally supported the RVWade argument back in 1973-- the NationalAbortion Rights  Action a league ( NARAL) was an off shoot of the AHA group, as is (PAW) People for the American Way. These groups have one thing in common philosophically -- they promoted "Naturalism" the idea man evoked by blind natural causes --there is no "evidence" of an intelligent creator, much less a personal God, much less a spiritual basis of life, ( or the idea of "life"after physical death) as imagined by the Christian and Jewish sects which comprise a majority of religious faiths in America.

Knowing they lacked popular support for a democratic support  for abortion on demand, these groups ( and their billionaire sponsors and organizations ) used the Supreme court to make an end run around this entire question.. when does life begin, and when should a fetus require constitutional protection and due process to legally terminate its life? 

You Libz can't answer that question. You want to frame the argument in various ways, but today it's long past time to debate tgat moral and legal question, nation-wide.
A woman doesn't get pregnant by herself. I fact, Congress has ruled the bilologial father has rights concerning the welfare of the child, enumerated under the Uniform Child Custody Jurisdiction Enforcement Act (UCCJEA), T theb ose rights  are not recognized by so -called "legal" abortion, and it's not simply a WONANS right to kill her unborn child  any more than it is to kill that child after its born.

A "zygote" is not a fetus, and contraception is not a abortion. Catholics my disagree on that point. They make good reasoned arguments about the significance of sex, and it's procreative potentiality. Secular Libz on the otherhand are all about sex as recreation - or a "lifestyle" choice. The latter is condemned as "carnality" in most  religious circles, a form of idolatry, --however hypocritical that stance may be seen among clerics and parishioners alike.

Still, unwanted pregnancy and complicated human consequences is today often the result of the so called 

"Sexual Revolution " 

a socio-political revolution supported mostly by secularists  eugenicists, pornographers, sexual deviates, and yes,

billion dollar abortion profit centers ( Planned Parenthood) 

This decision puts the nations collective religious faiths and moral opinions of American citizens front and center concerning future litigation and legislstion to determine  the "legality" of Abortion, and a bunch of other Lib sacred cows.  --My guess is you Libz will now see how little democratic support for abortion in this country actually exists.

I could be wrong. Whis this debate will reveal in the future  is the underlying state of religious faith and comittmentd in America-- secularists have unjustly held the abortion bully pulpit " a woman's  right to choose" for the last 49 years. They don't actually represent the views of the  majority of citizens, who view abortion s a moral evil. 

and view you as a 

Disgusting RINO! 


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The Hypocrisy of the Right +3/-1 bladeslap 7/4/2022 9:37:24 AM