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So joe tells us he's helping make gas prices go down. Here how!!

So joe tells us he's helping make gas prices go down. Here how!!  

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Author: observer II   Date: 7/11/2022 10:28:08 AM  +2/-2  

First he immediately shuts down the keystone pipeline. And why? Because he hates Trump. I'm sure the American people will understand a president leading with emotions.

Then he purposely doesn't renew the oil & gas leases . Brilliant move joe

So now the Saudi's are getting richer, and the Americans are going broke trying to fill their gas tanks and having the ability to get to work because gas has gone up more than double the price from when Trump was in office.

So joe in his infinant wisdom tells us he will temporarily suspend federal gas tax. WHoa Joe, thanks buddy, that drops the price 29 cents/gal. Wow, that's going to really one. It didn't pass anyway.

So let's tap into our reserve and instead of helping AMericans, we send 950 million barrels overseas. I may be wrong about the number of barrels (?) Doesn't matter if it was 1 barrel. Joe's an anti-American idiot.

Oil speculation says the barrel could possibly reach $380/barrel. Now if we had a president that knew anything about anything. He would not have stopped any form of drilling.

He threatens gas stations to lower their prices so Americans can fill their tanks without having to remortgage their homes. Now that would have saved us 2 cents/gal. You're a genius Joe, absolute genius.

And the liberals think this is great news. Yeah, I know. Hard to believe stupid runs that deep.

I wish I lived close enough to ride a bike to work. Unfortuneatly that's not the case. Whoa is me???

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So joe tells us he's helping make gas prices go down. Here how!! +2/-2 observer II 7/11/2022 10:28:08 AM