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The Dumbest Generation

The Dumbest Generation  

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Author: Shooting Shark   Date: 5/26/2021 2:10:44 PM  +2/-3  

The American Generation that fought WWII is often referred to as " the Greatest generation".. hard nosed people who fought and won against formidable enemies, then went home and raised a family, working at GM making classic Chevys, maybe. Leave it to Beaver, Andy of Mayberry, and Father knows Best, were wholesome shows portraying the American ideal of community, family, and responsible Freedom. (The only lavender influence seen on any of these shows was behind the scenes, Grampa Walton- a closeted homo and sex partner of none other than Harry Hay, the 1950s communist gay activist who by started this LQBTdgfhvhz*+%  nonsense, but I digress.)

So at the end of WWII the US debt to GDP ratio was about what it is right now. Yup, after building bombers and battleships and tanks by the thousands in a scant 4 years, after converting the entire economy into an industrial production machine, the debt was high-- and the highest marginal tax rate was around 90%.

Then 80 years of Marxist cultural and educational subversion followed... funded as always by the Uber elite. Why are so many billionares pumping out Marxist memes on the big media organs? Short answer: Money. Longer answer: Eugenics and population control. Longest answer: Global markets and economic control. But it all comes down to this: Capitalism vs Communism was just a economic shimera. Humans "at the top" wanna stay there--and that means creating and fleecing the ignorant unworthy masses known as

"Useful Idiots"

So today the laundry list of insanities is too long to innumerate here. It's been done before, and yet the mind control is strong. Scared Covid-phobic middle aged women wear their silly mask, politicians play both sides of the lib-conservative fense, blacks abort their kids and go to prison and and vote for eugenic racist Democrats, White males alter their genitalia and want to compete in women's sports-- But where did all the money go?

7 TRILLION Dollars printed, since last March. 

enough debt (scaled for inflation) to have once emerged from WWII with the same National debt ratio.

The BIG Money Mafia rigged this last election, installed Creepy Joe, printed Trillions in your name to fight a propaganda induced "pandemic" that never materialized, falsified statistics with outright bribes to hospitals, signed executive orders that turned the airlines and TSA into prison guards and executioners, broke the backs of small business, defied recall order petitions signed by millions, turned the southern border into a chaotic playground for drug-human trafficking cartels, destroyed the economy, increased the price of gas 60%, lumber 300% and general inflation in double-digits yet to be calculated.

And -all you fools can do is still talk about Trump.

Trump blah blah bla.. 

The mind control is STRONG with you!

You must certainly be the "Dumbest Generation" of Americans, yet! 
(But your kids will probably be dumber. they haven't been is school since March 2020)

an entirely new generation of mind-controlled, cowards, gueers,

and other diverse Marxist sheeple called

Useful Idiots! 



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