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Cruz is a Homophobic Bitch, who gives a crap what he thinks...

Cruz is a Homophobic Bitch, who gives a crap what he thinks...  

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Author: Shooting Shark   Date: 7/17/2022 3:45:21 PM  +3/-3   Show Orig. Msg (this window) Or  In New Window

Lib baby-killer! 

(That dress you're wearing makes your ass look fat, Jetheep!)

Abortion is one thing, gay marriage is another. 

The only thing they do have in common -- as Cruz factually points out--

 these so called constitutional rights were originally established by judicial fiat 

not by state legislatures.. or even a FEDERAL Legislsture!

And the point is,

Abortion laws can now be modified at any time by state legislatures-- For future abortions


previous Gay Marriage licenses issued by the states in the past

can't now be rescinded  -

-the doctrine of "Stare Decisis" won't allow state legislatures to overturn previously accepted gay marriages

and as long a those exist they must accept future gay marriages. 

That said, a Federal Law must be passed modifying the UCCJEA Uniform Child Custody Jurisdiction Enforcement  Act) for gay parental rights and custody issues, if they are to be recognized the same  by all 50 states (as they are for heterosexual marriage.)

And the big obstacle there is political.. you can't get Congress to vote on anything but spending more money!

as well as bilological.. UCCJEA recognizes the priority of biological parents, over the rights of adoptive parents, unless the former is revoked  or surrendered  by due proces under very specific circumstances.

in other words

until either you or Buddha give birth to a actual baby, Jetsheep

( When a rectum becomes the biological equivalent of a vagina,

and the colon and lower intestine the equivalent of a uterus) 

Someone,  somewhere, will be the "biological parent" of an adopted child with FEDERAL rights under UCCJEA 

(Not you!)

useful idiot! 


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Cruz is a Homophobic Bitch, who gives a crap what he thinks... +5/-0 Jett 7/17/2022 2:14:59 PM