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Well,isn't that special.

Well,isn't that special.  

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Author: observer II   Date: 6/19/2022 9:44:35 AM  +2/-2   Show Orig. Msg (this window) Or  In New Window

So let me get this straight. As long as someone tells you they hate Trump, you'd vote for them.

People like you shouldn't be allowed to vote. You simply do not have the intelligence to way the facts and properly vote.

As a matter of fact, it was Pelosi that stated the American people could not responsibly vote a presidnet in office.

Gee, sounds like you. And it also sounds like a socialistic policy. Wholly crap, we just saw what Peosi was talking about. Creepy Joe was the firt appointed president by the socialistic left.

The puzzle pieces are all coming together now.

You three banditos should really get group therapy. And maybe take along some of your made-up characters with you. Just a thought

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Sharky, let me update you how my survey is going, you seemed so impressed.. +4/-1 Jett 6/17/2022 12:20:34 AM