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Democratic nominee, huh? That's a tough choice

Democratic nominee, huh? That's a tough choice  

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Author: observer II   Date: 7/29/2022 7:52:06 AM  +2/-2   Show Orig. Msg (this window) Or  In New Window

Unfortuneatly you have stupid............or stupid to pick from.

Elizabeth Warren------known liar claiming to be an native Indian to get a free education on taxpayers money. Not exactly a role model for anyone. And let's face it, she's a volitile crazy woman.

Budajudge, lol-----can you imagine. Even the gay people hate this guy. There's really not much to say about him because he stands  for nothing and rely's on his life  style to keep him under the radar of criticism.

Ho bag Harris-----do we even need to say anything about this worthless turd? I mean she quite before the first vote was cast. She's a loser and you dems picked her anyway. That says enugh for me.

Clubber Lang------well she protected a known public servant violator. She tried once and failed. But then again, every dem has tried and failed.

Bernie----------ah, that name just never gets old. He does, but the name doesn't. Communism at it's best. The American people have already gotten a glimpse of total control and socialistic policies. Aint happening. Not in this lifetime

Almost forgot that moron from cali, what's his name? You know, the one that has the ad telling people DeSantis is taking rights away from people. That is funny stuff. It never gets old listening to liars trying to convince people of things they are actually doing themselves. Cali was one of the most locked down states in the union. And he wants to criticize the man that didn't fold like a cheap lawnchair. He's a tool

So you have no one crofraud, no one that you can vote for. You know, being a conservative and all like you profess, lol. Probably should stay home with your glass of scotch and cry about how the republicans are preventing you from fraudulently voting.

No mail-ins for you!!!!!!!!!!!

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Joe needs to go! +2/-3 Old Guy 7/28/2022 12:22:28 PM