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It's absolutely the truth, claiming moral superiority doesn't make it so..

It's absolutely the truth, claiming moral superiority doesn't make it so..  

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Author: Jett   Date: 7/4/2022 5:03:01 PM  +3/-1   Show Orig. Msg (this window) Or  In New Window

Only two posts down Sharky is claiming moral superiority, what a load of BS. Of course that's right after he posted in defense of child abuse, he thinks a 12 year old impregnated by her father or a 10 year old impregnated by a rapist should be forced by conservatives to have the babies. Conservatives are liars, they claim it's all about the children, but the fact is that they don't care about children, proof is Sharky's cavalier attitude towards the two young girls mentioned. They have already been through hell with what happened and he demands that they endure more because it's all about control over women.

They're born again alright, into a cult of racist haters who care only about forcing their views on others by anyway they can. I have tremendous respect for those who realize who and what these people are, and are doing what they can to save our country from them like Liz Cheney. She is a true conservative and patriot but she sees what these people are trying to do to America and she knows it's wrong. She is absolutely correct when she says that not prosecuting trump for the vile way that he attempted to overthrow the government of the US, is a much graver threat to America than not prosecuting him. I support her 100%... 


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A powerful letter to Flipper, Old Man, And Angry man +4/-2 bladeslap 7/4/2022 2:46:42 PM