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Really, Bladeslap

Really, Bladeslap   

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Author: Shooting Shark   Date: 7/5/2022 11:40:25 PM  +2/-2   Show Orig. Msg (this window) Or  In New Window

Nice dodge Crowbot.

you have a reading comprehension problem. 
yes, I agreed in my previous posting that there is no State Church" in America. 

Nor should there be.

The problem for Libz and disgusting RiNOs is

Democracy works on majority beliefs

those who support abortion for whatever reason

I suspect are a minority. 

Those who can justify abortion on demand are predominantly secularists

in fact, RVW was primarily advanced by secularists

snd the organizations that support abortion on demand are often hostile to 

religious beliefs in general

religious beliefs held by a majority in America

and that majority, in a democracy, can vote for politicians 

and hold those politicians accountable for supporting legislation contrary to

the voters who elected them.


So, now you radical leftist crypto-tyrants will need to put up, or shut up!

you don't have the Supreme Court to hide behind anymore! 


So, You don't like the idea of state legislatures governing legal abortion?


Congress will now need to actually PASS a Federal LAW -- (imagine that!!) 

Good luck with that!

So tell me, when does life begin"

And why should I agree with you? 

This fall election should be very revealing concerning

how much actual popular political support exists for baby killing Democrats

and radical leftists

and Creepy Uncle Joe!


And especially for all you

Disgusting RINOs!!

"wear your masks"

Useful idiots! 

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The Hypocrisy of the Right +3/-1 bladeslap 7/4/2022 9:37:24 AM