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As I sit and watch the market go down

As I sit and watch the market go down  

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Author: TheCrow   Date: 6/3/2022 12:42:39 PM  +4/-0   Show Orig. Msg (this window) Or  In New Window

Some numbers, numknuts:

DJIA when Biden was inaugarated: 30,814.26

Latest: 32,924.61

That's a gain of 6.84% 

The numbers vary day to day. But the trend is positive, for now. Any rational economist will tell you that the world eonomy is due a 'correction' in the next year or so. The 'correction' is to recover from short term trends towards a rational price. 

Usually, there is an initiating factor for the market correction. At this point, it's believed that the housing market is artificially high, the sell off and profit taking will initiate the decline.

And a recession. Will it be some factor that the POTUS introduces, like Trump's Covid Recession?


"Gas prices have again hit a record high!"

Interesting presentation of that issue. Conservatives are free marketers, but you want the government to act on your particular issue. So, where does the money that drives energy company profits come from if it's not the free market? (Do you own any energy stocks..?)

Your post shows that you are not conservative, you are the archetype reactionary.


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As I sit and watch the market go down +1/-2 Old Guy 6/3/2022 12:14:52 PM