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No matter which side you're on, this fact should scare the hell out of you

No matter which side you're on, this fact should scare the hell out of you   

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Author: Shooting Shark   Date: 6/6/2022 2:22:30 AM  +3/-4   Show Orig. Msg (this window) Or  In New Window


you ar a victim of mind control-- wag the dog.

you wanna know how many useful idiots actually voted for creepy Joe?

go to any airport, see how many people are wearing Covid masks today!

The election was stole by the LEFT

and fraudulently.

Now they need to push the narritive that legitimate controls on voter qualification

is "stealing our democracy"

when in fact Creepy Joe stole it, and you know it. 

So, the latest distraction to herd you lefty lemmings is the so called "insurrection"

which, if investigated honestly would likely show agents provocateur on the left

present in that mob. 

And so you believe that mob actually threatened anyone? They stormed the capital building.

it was a dumb stunt.. gave you tools the excuse for the usual overreaction.

January 6th was a far cry from Bull Run/ First Manassas.


Oh, and by the way

George Washington was a "Right Wing Extremist", and "White Nationalist"

And meanwhile, people like you ( a majority of the American colonialists , in fact)

were busy shouting 

"God save the King!"


But today s majority of Americans are shouting

"God save the Constitution"


Creepy Joe is a senile fraud

who has ZERO respect for the country or its citizens.

if this November comes, and somehow the election is monitored ( legit) 

and you tools don't go back to wearing your silly covid masks 

and stacking ballot boxes with fraudulent votes

Youll see where majority opinion is today, 

and it's on the side of the spirit of MAGA.

you can't expect people to put up with this nonsense forever!

like the Jan 6 riot, there simply aren't enough 

Useful idiots!



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No matter which side you're on, this fact should scare the hell out of you +5/-2 Jett 6/5/2022 4:13:25 PM