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Oh Dear ...

Oh Dear ...  

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Author: Shooting Shark   Date: 6/6/2022 12:02:13 PM  +2/-4   Show Orig. Msg (this window) Or  In New Window


the "former Republican" in question said " the party left me"  

( as does our resident RINO, Crowbot) 

Yeah, the party left RINOs behind when it became a MAGA party

on that point we may agree.

The problem is, this guy perceived the Republican Party as a permanent "fall-guy" for the DNC mafia 

The DNC gets ten times the funding from corporate interests than do republicsns

The Republican Party has, heretofore, been the party of Ben Gay, My Pillow, Gold Huxterism, and Relaxium sleep aides ( as constantly advertised on Fox news) they pander to the grey panthers on fixed incomes who remember and want a return to decency and civility and fiscal responsibility-- in short, everything Democrat party is NOT! 

Then Trump came along and made the Republicans get a backbone. The Democrat mafia naturally struck back.

The rest is history. The Multi national corporations and megalomaniac billionaires who pull the strings on DNC puppet politicians are laughing their asses off...

1. The pulled a "pandemic" and killed millions with bad medicine and experimental vaccines 

( and blamed Trump)

2. They shut off US oil, crippled supply lines, doubled our national deb, and caused massive inflation,

( snd blamed Trump) 

3. They abandoned Afghanistan and were persuaded to fight a proxy war with Russia,

( and somehow still to blame Trump) 

4. They caused a 25 trillion dollar loss to equity markets and nationwide housing market bubble

( and though his policies did just the opposite, they blamed Trump)

5, Their media organs play on the irrational fears of housewives, with Whoopie Goldberg as their spokesperson

( and You know she,  and her sidekick, middle-aged NYC jewish princess archetype  "Joy Behar")


While the vast majority of Americans believe the election was a fraud,

the poweres that be, behind the scenes, are getting rich at the expense of the middle class.

inflation is s good thing if you want to inflate outta debt, and have millions in personal resources to begin with 

"The Great Reset"

( all of them, conniving, criminally insane , amoral DEMOCRATS!) 

So tell me why I should listen to you or this RINO 

or that political graffiti artist who posts lengthy propaganda articles on here,

"Crowbot" ?


Jetsheep is the most honest Lib among the three of you. 

You are willfully blind, Buddha.. a moral failure.

Crowbot is willfully deceptive, he knows better..-- a gross moral failure.

Jetsheep is just a scared pot smoker who wears a dress

and likes to call people names that have no real significance anymore.

just another low IQ,

slogan reciting, 

Useful Idiot


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If THIS doesnt scare you, then I don't know what will +4/-0 bladeslap 6/5/2022 11:39:58 PM