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One must open one's eyes before one can see the truth.

One must open one's eyes before one can see the truth.  

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Author: observer II   Date: 6/8/2022 7:32:40 AM  +1/-2   Show Orig. Msg (this window) Or  In New Window

Treasonous acts have been committed by the Biden administration on more than one occasion.

Let's start with Afghanistan which was one of his very first challenges as the first appointed president in the history of these United States.

He not only removes the military before removing the civilians, he left billions of dollars in American assets over there as a consilation prize. And then proceeds to get 13 soldiers killed because of meer incompetence. And then doesn't even give them a mention at his SOTU speech. Great guy!!

And what do we say about china? So many things come to mind. He allows our country to participate in gain of function research in a Chinese lab. Creates a worldwide virus and it gets released causing global panic. Don't tyou think it's odd that this happened and absolutely nothing has been done about it? Nothing has been investigated to find out who exactly is responsible for this global pandemic. Hummmm

Then we have the democrats threatening the supreme court judges with not even a slap on the hand. A simple, "I DIDN'T MEAN THAT" apparently was good enough.

And of course we can never forget the Joey / Hunter show. This is such an in-your-face, pay-for -play scheme that even jettsheep could have sniffed it out. Caught with  hand in the cookie jar.

And all these treasonous acts were dismissed because congress is held by the dems. Well boys, the fun is over because you are going to loose that big time come the mid-terms. Then guess who holds control of the investigation proceedings.

I can't wait to hear all the crying about how unfair the republicans are being and how the dems are unconstitutionally targeted. LOL

Let the games begin

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This is the biggest bunch of BS I've ever seen posted on this forum... +5/-1 Jett 6/7/2022 12:39:39 PM