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Old guy and delusions - How they go hand in hand

Old guy and delusions - How they go hand in hand  

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Author: Shooting Shark   Date: 5/19/2022 10:16:15 AM  +2/-4   Show Orig. Msg (this window) Or  In New Window

Old Guy drives you crazy Buddha because he speaks the truth.

when lies proliferate, truth telling is hatred by those committed to a LIE.

you invert that principle, you are committed to the lie, so you want to make Old Guy the liar.


Your fake president is responsible for what's happening EVERYWHERE.

You grasp at straws, "Trump is going down" "Barr said the election was legit"

see 2000 mules and tell us what you think.

see inflation at a 40 year high

see your 401k plummet, food and gas prices skyrocketing.

see illegal invasion at the border

see creepy Joe trying to stir the pot.. "the great Uniter" calling everyone a racist.

see the democrats playing the tired old race card, to 3/4 of the country who loathes the DNC 

see Democrats changing to vote Republican 

see creey Joe refusing to change his oil policy, enriching Putin's oil production, fueling war in Ukraine 

see creepy joe fighting a proxy war with Russia, provoking future conflict and possible nuclear exchanges in Europe.

see how Creepy Joe and the Democrats impeached Trump for exposing their corruption in Ukraine.

see biolabs funded by US in Ukraine ??

see China playing the Covid game again, see Fauci going into hiding, where is the investigation to discover the source of this bio engineered global eugenics experiment that killed millions with unreported side effects from nebulous vaccines

see Americans everywhere sayin " fuck you" to mask mandates 

see The loss of trust in the Govermment, it's three letter agencies ( FBI, CIA, CDC, FDA, NEA etc etc) 

see corporate collusion in censorship and manipulation of the populace

see BLm riots ignored and promoted.

see pro abortion protesters over reported , while states support the USSC decision to remand the issue to state legislators. 

See Creepy Joe sending illegals to states around the country on private charted aircraft at taxpayer expense

see Texas shipping them to Washington DC . see Florida sending them to Delaware. I guess they got that idea from former NYC Governor DeBlasio., he sent his NYC homeless to YOUR Lib shit hole New JERSEY, paying rent for a YeAR tgen abandoning them to your tax / welfare dollar.

see moronic Lib logic contradictions., is abortion sexist? Can men have babies? What is a woman? Can trannies compete with actual women in womens sports?

You have lost your mind if you STILL support any of this. 

There will be a reckoning .. it won't go on forever. Let's hope it's peaceful, because your communist masters are trying to provoke a revolution - they want the "Enpire to strike back" -- as VI Lenin observed  "The Worse the better" ( to provoke popular unrest and violent over reaction by bolshivic troops during the Russian Civil war)

Meanwhile the RICH are gettin richer through inflation  at the expense of the poor and middle class. Right out of the communist playbook-- you are their target, and so am I. 

Thats why Democrats have no legitimate political foundation today,

yet you remain the ( projecting, brainwashed ) 

useful idiot! 


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Old guy and delusions - How they go hand in hand +3/-0 bladeslap 5/19/2022 9:42:24 AM