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You normalize, rationalize the violence by offering other examples.

You normalize, rationalize the violence by offering other examples.  

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Author: TheCrow   Date: 6/13/2022 11:22:09 AM  +3/-0   Show Orig. Msg (this window) Or  In New Window

Do you deny that the extreme right has been violent?

By number or even destructive actions the left wins Hands down, but you never post about them.

You're correct in that the extreme left is almost never discussed here. But who here offers the extreme left as a rational expression of the people? Nobody.

The TrumpeRINO frog boys here claim the rightist mob violence as exactly that. Paraphrasing those posts: Americans will only stand so much "un-American treasonous" demonstrations before they retaliate.

That is false. Some Americans will act out when they see their mostly minority values being criticized, their political influence being attacked. That reaction demonstrates the weakness of their positions, they see any criticism as a threat because they doubt their own opinions as truly representing America. The a night of the broken glass occurs to bully the nation- January 6th.

What is true is that Americans are in the main, centrists, moderates; rejecting extremism on both sides. The Weather Underground and the KKK are dead ends. But- if they can create a reaction they believe they are pertinent and deserve serious discussion.

This forum is evidence that their opinion is justified: Trump talks stupid but because he is not mainstream his idiocy is discussed and some are persuaded. Hyperbolic statements by anybody politically important gets media coverage. Oscar Wilde said it: the only thing worse than bad publicity is no publicity. Trump knows that.

Remember: Months into the Covid 19 epidemic, Trump was still denying, rationalizing and ignoring the danger that it presented. That resulted in the sharpest economic contraction since the Great Depression, the highest unemployment ever and ultimately a million dead Americans.

America has had the highest number of cases since 2020 and it still does. The case numbers show America in the top one-third of nations in infections but 17th in number of deaths per capita.

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Hey Old Dude, you guys sure know how to party! +4/-0 Jett 6/12/2022 1:19:06 AM