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Why were all of those people in DC on Jan 6?

Why were all of those people in DC on Jan 6?  

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Author: Shooting Shark   Date: 6/16/2022 9:21:20 PM  +1/-3   Show Orig. Msg (this window) Or  In New Window

Take a lesson from history, jetsheep.

how exactly were these people goona "overthrow the government?"

a bunch of individuals who, for the sake of democracy were protesting

armed with cell phones and dressed up in a Buffalo suit?

im sure Crazy Nancy was terrified. 
Im sure Pence was quaking in his boots,,

"Stop the steal" they said.

one unarmed woman was shot and killed.

whatever their motive, it didn't and couldn't have succeeded.

the Boston Tea Party, now there was a riot!

the British troops, who marched from Boston to Lexington and  Concord

They were met by an armed militia. Shots fired. Colonials and British regulars the casualties.

First Mansssas.. confederates and Union troops faced off.

yeah, confederates marched on Washington.

4 years of bloody war. 750,000 casualties.

If you think that riot compares to past attempts to

"overthrow the government"

you're still my favorite

(hashish inebriated)

useful idiot! 

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Jan 6th was rigged +3/-4 Shooting Shark 6/16/2022 2:44:12 PM