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I agree with you mod.We are very close to losing our democracy

I agree with you mod.We are very close to losing our democracy  

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Author: observer II   Date: 6/17/2022 7:02:53 AM  +1/-2   Show Orig. Msg (this window) Or  In New Window

However, it certainly isn't the conservatives that are causing what is happening to our great nation.

Just think about it.

Which party is bailing out criminals and not holding them accountable for their crimes.

Which party supports and encourages violent rioting and destruction caused by hate groups like BLM & ANTIFA.

Which party was unconstitutionally forcing Americans to get an experimental shot or lose their job which destroyed countless families and careers.

Which party encouraged harrassing our supreme court justices (conservative judges only). And then refused to provide additional security. 

Which party actually threatened our supreme court judges (chucky schumer) and didn't so much as get a slap on the hand for his treasonous act.

Which party cheated to get a puppet in the oval office. A man that has no clue how to run a snow cone stand, let alone a country. The proof is obvious and plentiful but the threats to individuals apparently has more influence on people then one might hope. A chain is only as strong as the weakest link.

Let's keep in mind that these are only a few examples of democratic strong arming in order to achieve their goal of complete  control.

The liberals are always crying about how the big bad republicans are causing all this. But we both know who really is. Don't we?

You still enjoying paying an average of $450/mo more than you used to. Yeah, pay them there Jersey taxes with a smile as well.

You can't defend your position moderator. Call us angry, uninformed, and every other name in the book. But it doesn't change what you voted for. Worst president in history

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How close we were to losing our democracy +2/-1 bladeslap 6/16/2022 11:53:09 AM