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So Glad Trump is OUT OF OFFICE

So Glad Trump is OUT OF OFFICE  

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Author: Shooting Shark   Date: 6/17/2022 9:19:33 PM  +4/-5   Show Orig. Msg (this window) Or  In New Window

 Off your meds again?

NURSE!!! Nurse!!!

( pressing the emergency buzzer)


Nurse Cratchet

"Yes? What's the matter ?"



" it's happening again .. Buddha has come out

of his chemically induced coma and is talking about Trump again!"


Nurse Cratchet :

"Ok.. time for 'aversion therapy"

( putting eye drops in Buddha's eyes, installing the eye clamps to keep them open)


Shark: " Are you sure this is gonna work? It looks painful!"


Nurse Cratchet: "It IS painful! That's the point!

This therapy ids experimental.. no guarantees.."


Shark: " what's in those eye drops?"


Nurse Cratchet:

"It's a preparation of nausea inducing chemicals triggered by a mild electro shock. We will show the patient pictures of Creepy Joe and press this button, inducing a mild voltage that triggers the gag reflex, which cascades the autonomic reflex causing extreme nausea"


"Gee, I don't need those eye drops!
I get sick every time that demented pervert Creepy Joe opens his mouth!"

Nurse Cratchet: 

"yes most people do, even mild stage 1 and 2 TDS sufferers don't seem to need the drops, these days.."
Ok make sure he's strapped in.. here we go...

Buddha: " Trump caused  911! Trump caused the stock market crash in the 1920s! Trump is a shape shifter, He's the incarnation of Satan, the spiritual force that manifests as dictators and mass murders through human history. Trump is an anti-bodesatva! 

Nurse Cratchet:

"Roll the pictures!"

( pressing the button)

Buddha : "Trump is evil!" ((((Barrrfff!!!)))


"Damn! that shit works!.. I'm feeling a little nauseous myself"


Nurse Cratchet:

"Yes I shoulda warned you. Sympathetic puking is a normal reflex.. here take thes anti nausea drugs.."

Shark: ( swallowing s couple pills) Let's take a minute to

let it work.,"


Nurse Cratchet:

"Ok let's turn up the heat. Roll the next picture!"

Buddha: Trump! Trump ! He's the devil!!!


"Ok, I'm ready!"


Buddha: (( Barrrfff!!!) 

Shark: (( Barrfff!))


Nurse Cratchet (( Barrfff!!!)

"Lets take a break..."


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So Glad Trump is OUT OF OFFICE (NT) +7/-1 bladeslap 6/17/2022 6:05:37 PM