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So Glad Trump is OUT OF OFFICE

So Glad Trump is OUT OF OFFICE  

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Author: Shooting Shark   Date: 6/18/2022 1:25:09 AM  +3/-5   Show Orig. Msg (this window) Or  In New Window

Old Guy, 

There appears to be hope for our Buddha, according to Dr Cameron. 
as it turns out, a former Monarch Slave, Katy Perry,

has recovered her senses and is trying to come to grips with her past programming.

I was skeptical , of course. Fritz Springmeyer is our age, and has been convicted of bank robbery (!) 

but then again I don't know all the details in that case .

one thing our Libz try to do is discredit the source. Just because the source has flaws, even gross problems, doesn't mean we must disregard everything they say. Truth is truth. Even serial murderer Ted Bundy had some useful qualities. During his sentencing the Judge told him he "would have been a very fine lawyer" admiring Bundys use of argument and interpretation of the law during his ex party defense(!)

And of course, Bundy told investigators how to find the "green River Killer"-- "put surveillance on the next body, he'll be back" Bundy told them. Professional forensic psycologists couldn't see what Bundy saw in the pictures of the scene, apparently. Bundy told them the Green River Killer was a necrophiliac. He was returning to the scene of the crime to copulate with the corpses of the prostitutes he murdered.

Bundy was correct. That's how they caught the perpetrator. I takes a perv to find a perv, apparently.

The problem with our Libs is, they suffer from some sort of mind control, or personal need to insist on their positions, when clearly they are WRoNG! Even in the face of a looming recession, murderous Libs staking out a chief Justices, killing babies, killing cops, supporting a president that has printed money into an inflationary Armageddon, the Buddha sez he's "Glad Trump is Gone"

Well, Dr Cameron says he knows why SOME of these people are the way they are. ( Theyare "Monarch Slaves") Some Libs are just simple minded useful idiots ( like Jetsheep) and some are evil amoral propagandists who get paid to herd the libz(!like Crow, the disgusting RInO) 

But it appears our Buddha has had a strange reaction to waking up in Disney's basement!! He's sleeping well now, thanks to Nurse Crachet...

He's apparently been here before.

And it's likely, Dr Cameron says,

so has Katy Perry!

more to follow--




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So Glad Trump is OUT OF OFFICE (NT) +7/-1 bladeslap 6/17/2022 6:05:37 PM